Ping Pongs Blog

Ping Pong Stats and info:
Female, Age- 7-8 hooman years, Height- 36cm, Length- 56cm, Width- Failed to answer, Weight- Never you mind, Likes- Food, Dislikes- People, other cats (Tiger included) and people, Job title- Chief Mouser, Chief In front of heater sitter, Shop Security and retail manager, Aspirations: To one day be a Snow Leopard
Goldilocks Stats and info
Female, Age- 1 hooman year, Height- 32cm, Length- 50cm, Width- thin as Weight- light as, Likes- zooming, and the exact correct amount of pats (which varies randomly), Dislikes- not zooming, Job title- Zoomy coordinator, Aspirations: To zoom faster then light.
Tiger Stats and Info: RIP Tiger, you were the bestest boy and you have left a hole in our hearts.
Male, Age- 2-4 slave (Human) years, height- to lazy to measure, Width- Fat, Weight 8.7kgs, Likes- Being a cat, sleeping eating, Dislikes- Most things, Job title- Master of Snooze.